Dear modelling friends, participants of our ESM: the next event will take place November 23, 2024!
Link to “50 Years F-16” page: 50 Years F-16 – Euroscale Modelling
News August 26, 2024:
Starting September 1, you can order tickets through the link above in the left block. The ticket price remains unchanged at €10.
Since this year, the IPMS membership card now includes a QR code, so IPMS Netherlands members no longer need to order a separate ticket. Just bring your membership card with you!
Access for foreign IPMS members remains unchanged: it’s still free, but the membership number cannot be verified. Foreign IPMS members can request their tickets by emailing the ESM coordinator (Contact – Euroscale Modelling). Please include your name and membership number in the email. After confirmation from the coordinator, the ticket can be ordered through the ticket page.
Ordered tickets are sent almost immediately to the email address provided in the order. Be aware that they might end up in your spam folder, so check it right away as spam folders tend to be automatically emptied after a certain period.
The ticket is now slightly smaller, making it easier to print. However, printing is not necessary if you have the ticket with the QR code on your smartphone.
News 6 August 2024:
With the holidays still in full swing, we can still note that entries are coming in regularly: we now have 39 traders, 22 individuals, 12 SIG and Regions, 12 Showtables and 20 clubs.
Time goes fast, so keep an eye out for the following upcoming dates!
1 September: start ticket sales for visitors
1 October: start registration of models for the competition
23 October: closure of registration table reservation exhibitors (regions, SIGs, clubs and traders)
1 November: closure of registration of models for the competition
Update July 2, 2024:
Just before the start of the vacations, we can note, that registrations are steadily trickling in. We are now at 34 dealers, 12 SIGs and Regions, 17 clubs, 6 show tables and 15 individuals. This is fairly in line with previous years. We expect, that will increase quite a bit after the vacations. So register early, because it will go pretty fast, even with 7000 square meters of space!
Also don’t forget to register an F-16 for the special exhibition!
All that remains is to wish everyone a good vacation!
Update April 28, 2024:
Registration has been open since April 1. The number is increasing in line with expectations. Check out the relevant pages!
As previously reported in the MIP, our ESM volunteer coordinator has stopped this task because he holds another position within IPMS Netherlands. So the ESM team is still looking for someone to take on this task. Your predecessor has already prepared everything. It just takes some time. But isn’t the motto of the IPMS for Modelers by Modelers?
So sign up as an ESM volunteer coordinator the contact form on the ESM website (Contact – Euroscale Modelling) or at
Update April 1, 2024:
As of today, registration for the ESM is open!
Summer time has started and hopefully everyone is enjoying the Easter weekend. The first major modeling events have taken place and slowly we are moving into spring and summer. So now is the time to register as a trader, plastic or paper modeling club, IPMS branch or SIG or as an IPMS member with show table(s) or private sale.
The sooner you do this, the better, in connection with making room arrangements and space availability. Also indicate preferences for placement next to or in the same cluster, with other clubs, SIGs or individuals.
Update March 25, 2024:
Now that the first major modeling events of the year, such as Goes, Flanders, and the Euro Model Expo, have taken place, we announce the start of registrations as of April 1 for our own ESM. The registration period will not end on November 1, but on October 23, exactly one month in advance, to allow more time for the final arrangement.
Although the electricity supply at the tables no longer needs to be paid separately, it is still important to request this at registration. This is due to the table layout. Requesting electricity on the day of the event itself is not possible. Other preferences regarding placement must also be requested at registration. Requests on the day of the event itself are not possible.
Stand Staff
It is not possible for persons designated for ESM (i.e., stand staff) to enter the fair before 10:00 am via the public/main entrance. Access before 10:00 am is only possible for PRE-REGISTERED individuals and via the specially assigned entrances at the back of the fairgrounds within the designated times.
The registration forms have therefore been adjusted. You can now order up to a total of five additional passes for stand staff. These are free for IPMS members. For non-IPMS members, the cost is $10. Providing information at registration is sufficient as long as the stand staff enters through the rear entrance (depending on the number of tables). Stand staff entering after 10:00 am must, of course, purchase a ticket.
50 years of the F-16
Registrations for the announced special “50 years of the F-16” display can also be done as of April 1. For this, you will find the form on the specially created page, where all information regarding that display will also be posted. You can find the link to that page in the advertisement section below, but for those less adept with websites, also in the heading above this page.
We are still looking for a coordinator for the volunteers! Last edition, there were many volunteers, for which we are grateful! We hope that you will once again volunteer for ESM in large numbers. The volunteer coordinators will contact everyone around the summer vacation to see if they are still willing to assist and to make ESM 2024 a success
Update February 12, 2024
The dust of the ESM 2023 has settled, the holidays are over again and we are already in the second month of 2024. Time to give an update on the ESM 2024, but not before we issue a call for a new coordinator of volunteers, as a vacancy has arisen in this. If you feel called, do not hesitate, and contact the coordinator of the ESM (Contact – Euroscale Modelling).
The dust of the ESM 2023 has settled, the holidays are over again and we are already in the second month of 2024. Time to give an update on the ESM 2024, but not before we issue a call for a new coordinator of volunteers, as a vacancy has arisen in this. If you feel called, do not hesitate, and contact the coordinator of the ESM.
The first emails within the team have already gone around to make it another great day.
In the evaluation of the ESM 2023, some outside recommendations were gone through to achieve a better structure. These are being processed, also some things need to be discussed with the Expo in Houten. We hope to announce more as soon as possible.
There is a nice initiative to form a special display to “remember” that January 20, 1974 , so fifty years ago, the General Dynamics F-16 first took to the airspace: 50 years F-16.
This will show the history of the aircraft. The first contacts are being made to make this a great success.
If you want to participate alone or with your club, mail to or use the contact form on the site (Contact – Euroscale Modelling), you will get all the information.
Until the next update!
Plastic modeling is the most beautiful, creative and fun hobby for young and old alike. At the annual ESM (Euro Scale Modelling) you will find everything: not only kits, paint, glue, but also all the tools and materials you need for modeling. Moreover, there is the traditional modeling contest in various categories! The contest is open to all builders and subjects, as long as they are plastic models.
There are not only dealers with new stuff, there are also individuals offering books and/or kits for sale from their own collections. And there are many model builders giving demonstrations and showing their finest work.You can get endless inspiration for your own creations and buy new (or just old) kits.
Entrance is free for IPMS members on presentation of their valid ticket ordered through the ESM website. This is basically on the phone, but it might be useful to print it out as well. Also bring your IPMS membership card with you.
Admission for non-members is for a limited amount per person, these tickets are also available through the website. Children up to and including 12 years old have free admission if accompanied by an adult.
With the raffle, which is organized during the Euro Scale Modeling, you can win nice modeling prizes. Tickets can be bought at the IPMS-counter.
IPMS Nederland
ESM is a fair of IPMS Nederland ( International Plastic Modellers’ Society Nederland ). Also this year ESM takes place in the large halls of Expo-Houten. ESM has an area of over 7.000m2. There is a lot of catering available in the halls, so you can have a chat with other visitors or make new contacts while enjoying something tasty.
For all information concerning IPMS Nederland and the ESM you will find at the IPMS info stand (near the entrance). There you will also find an overview of all models that have received a review in the IPMS magazine “Modelbouw In Plastic” (MIP ). You are most welcome!